While we work on getting an events calendar set up on the website, here is an invitation from the Bowling Green Patriots (BGP) Indivisible who are hosting a fundraiser at the end of this month for the campaign to re-elect Christine Reuther, Elaine Schaefer, and Dr. Monica Taylor. The file can be downloaded here. There is also an image of the file containing alt-text, and the ActBlue link can be found here as well: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bgp4councilslate.
Ken Rose emailed us and asked if we would extend this invitation to the Media Dems, so here it is:
Media Dems -
In just a few years, the Delaware County Council has achieved some major accomplishments including the formation of a Delaware County Health Department, refocusing the George W. Hill Correctional Facility, and acquiring the Don Guanella tract of land to create a county park. Most importantly, the Democratic majority on the DelCo Council has brought transparency and accountability to our public elections and purpose and fiscal sensibility to our County’s business.
For these reasons, you already know the importance of re-electing Christine Reuther, Elaine Paul Schaefer, and Dr. Monica Taylor to the Delaware County Council on November 7, 2023. In the past, you have supported the election of these Democratic candidates and we are asking if you will step up once again.
On Tuesday, May 30, 2023, from 5-7PM, the Bowling Green Patriots (BGP) Indivisible will host a campaign fundraiser at a conveniently located home in Media to support the campaigns of Christine, Elaine, and Monica. Of course, you are invited and we hope that you will join us for this event.
We also hope that you will consider supporting this fundraiser with your own dollars. We recognize that this is a big ask but we also know how vital it is to re-elect these amazing Councilors so that they can continue to lead our County with a positive, constructive, and responsible agenda. Any contribution to this re-election campaign will be greatly appreciated! You will find an ActBlue link to our event in the attached flyer and information on check donations.
To receive updates on this event and the address of the fundraiser, please RSVP no later than May 27 to BGPfundraiser@gmail.com or call 610-891-9164 and leave a message. We look forward to your reply to this invitation and we look forward to seeing you on May 30 in Media to celebrate Christine, Elaine, and Monica! Please be sure to RSVP!
Ken Rose, Sharon Chaney, and Pete Pierangeli
Representing the Bowling Green Patriots Indivisible Group, Media PA
