What's your plan to be a voter this Primary? I'm planning on voting in person on May 16th - maybe I'll see you at the polls! Democracy and our rights are being threatened all across the nation, so be sure contact your friends and neighbors and ask them how they plan to be a voter this May. To register to vote, make updates to your information or apply for a mail-in ballot, go to www.vote.pa.gov
Don't forget about Early In-Person Voting, either! You can learn more about how to vote early in-person (through May 9th) at https://www.vote.pa.gov/Voting-in-PA/Pages/Early-Voting.aspx

Important Election Dates:
May 1: Last day to register to vote before the primary.
May 9: Last day to apply for a mail-in or civilian absentee ballot or vote early in-person (though we strongly encourage you to not wait until the deadline!)
May 16: Last day for the County Board of Elections to receive VOTED mail-in and civilian absentee ballots (must be received by 8:00 PM).
May 16: Municipal Primary!
As always, you can find us at https://www.facebook.com/mediademocrats/ and now at our new Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/mediademocrats/ !