The Primary Election is almost here... if you didn't request a Mail-In or Absentee Ballot! For those who have applies, Mail-In Ballots have been sent out to Delaware County. If you applied for one and have not yet received it, please check your ballot status. There is still time to apply for a mail-in ballot.
The Delaware County Government Center also has a Voter Services Center where you can apply for a mail-in or absentee ballot, fill it out and return it in one stop! For those who would prefer to vote early and in person, this may be a great choice for you.
Who to Vote For & Ballot Questions
Endorsed Candidate Ballot Numbers
A1 - Judge Maria Mc Laughlin - Supreme Court
A5 - Judge Timika Lane - Superior Court
A8 - Judge Lori Dumas - Commonwealth Court
A10 - Amanda Green Hawkins - Commonwealth Court
A11 - Judge Deb Krull - Court of Common Pleas
A12 - Tinu Moss - Court of Common Pleas
A16 - Richard Womack - County Council
A17 - Kevin Madden - County Council
A18 - Jerry Sanders Sheriff
A19 - Joanne Phillips - Controller
A20 - Rachel Ezzell Berry - Register of Wills
A27 - Robert Kelly
A28 - Ken Dinitz
A30 - Theresa Napson - Williams
A34 - Susan Henderson-Utis
A39 - Katey McVerry
A44 - Robert A. McMahon
A52 - Mark Paikoff
A53 - Kevin Boyer
A54 - Elizabeth O. Romaine
A55 - Joi Washington
Ballot Question Guidance
