Media Borough truly took a significant step forward this past Thursday night. At its April legislative meeting, Council unanimously approved amendments to its zoning code, adopting the concept of “form-based zoning” in its residential districts. These amendments will give the Borough greater control over the “fit” of new housing in our community, helping to keep intact the look and feel of the neighborhoods in which we live. The amendments will also give the Borough tools to promote affordable housing, such as permitting Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and greater housing density where that makes sense. FHI Studio, the Borough consultant on this project, involved many of our residents from the beginning of this project, and the results reflect their input.

A big "Thank You" to all of the many residents and stakeholders who participated in this very important project for Media. This is just another example of what makes Media such a great community - residents and local government finding common cause and then working together. Special thanks to the members of the Media Affordable Housing Group, citizen advocates who supported this project throughout. Members of the group were present for the vote on Thursday. Our Endorsed candidates for Borough Council also fully support hybrid form-based zoning in Media. By contrast, none of our opponents in the Democratic primary has offered public support for this important initiative.
You can read all about the code's progress over the past two years (as well as the code itself, if you're up for some light reading!) over at the
Or, if you prefer to watch or listen, Strong Towns and Not Just Bikes collaborated on the YouTube series Building Strong Towns, worth a watch if you haven't seen it already!